If you want to, you can find a million reasons to hate life and be angry at the world. Or, if you want to, you could find a million reasons to love life and be happy. Choose wisely – Cari Welsh
Having spent a week with the life, energy and passion for life being sapped from me – I was awake this morning at 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am, then fell asleep for a sum total of 30 minutes between the 6.30 and 7am alarms. Not like me.
My daughter couldn’t settle, she wanted a cuddle, wanted reassurance, wanted her Mummy – we snuggled.
Having read my book for some of the time, I think started to think – I could lay in bed being cross that I couldn’t sleep or I could take a positive stance – I started to outline a blog post.
New Year, New You, Same You, Better You – whatever. New Year a time to recalibrate, reflect on achievements of the previous year. I’ve seen lots of social posts over the last few days reflecting on the 10-year challenge. It got me thinking, here are some of my achievements from the last 10 years
Something I’ve come to realise is that by deciding why I want, I get to work to it. Steadily I get there. Yes, there is some uncertainty as to what happens next with Brexit, austerity and now Covid-19, but whilst I can’t control what happens around me, I can decide on my response to that and how I act and behave.
Yesterday I joined about half of the other mums from my daughters’ class for a Mothers’ Day afternoon tea – bittersweet and incredibly emotional. With just half of her class in school, the others home as per government advice, we felt lucky that they were together, sad that it could be their last day in reception class and sad that such a lovely group of kids wouldn’t be playing and learning together for the foreseeable future. My response, set up a daily Zoom call for the group, share the link with the other parents and give them a time each day that they can come together and go crazy with each other (and shed a few quiet tears).
The next few days, weeks and months will be a huge challenge, the like of which we haven’t seen in our lifetime but that our grandparents have. This weekend, I will work out how to juggle working and taking care of my daughter. How, as a family unit, we will move through this. I am fortunate to have a great community around me with offers of support but if we see a lockdown as has been experienced across the world, this will add another layer.
On Thursday evening, my daughter built a mini-greenhouse – we even completed a piece of her outstanding homework (set a couple of weeks’ ago) to find a group of items, of 3 sizes! We will be planting seeds and growing vegetables in the garden and watching them grow – this will support learning and provide a focus. We will also use so many of the resources that both the school and many companies have made available.
My hopes and dreams for the next few months;
Today, the sun is shining, Spring is definitely in the air as the birds tweet their song, let’s make it a great day.
Below are some quotes that I love and often refer to, some of them are on display in my home:
And when all else fails: When life gives you lemons, make gin & tonic
Further Reading – I’ve read two books so far this year that have inspired me:
Footnote: I wrote a large part of this blog at the start of January and then got caught in busy day to day and several weeks have passed, the world has changed but my attitude and determination to be positive and embrace change has not.